Getting search function to work

fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

Do I need to do something with my content for it to be found via the search function? Like index it or something.

I manually install everything to where I want it. Is that going to be a problem for searching?


  • If you isntall manaully then the content won't be in the Content Management System, so yes that will be a problem for the search on categories. You could manually categorise the content, or you could let DIM install and then use shortcuts to rearrange your content without breaking the CMS.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    Thank you.

    Does this mean I cannot search for individual items by name, eg "watch" or "shoes"?

    Poser will find items by simply searching content by name in specified folders, like Pose or Prop. Cannot DS do this?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    Thank you.

    Does this mean I cannot search for individual items by name, eg "watch" or "shoes"?

    Poser will find items by simply searching content by name in specified folders, like Pose or Prop. Cannot DS do this?

    There are two ways of searching in the Content Library pane, there is a drop-down to select either File or Database.   If you use the 'File' option, it may work for you, but it only works on filenames at best


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