Merged the two threads on this - please don't post multiple threads on the same issue as it's likely to lead to people covering ground in oen thread that has already been discussed in the other.
Setting up an effective conversation, beyond the use of Mimic/LipSync to get the mouth movements to match the soundtrack, is more of a general cinematography question - the same principles apply whether youa re animating in 3D or filming real people. I would suggest having two or three cameras, rather than trying to pan between the characters, and rendering to image sequence from each then stitching the close-ups of each and any framing shots together from those sequences.
I already have the characters, and have looked into to some of the sound/audio requirements.
However, I wish to create a conversation between 2 characters, either standing or walking; and to zoom into a particular character.
What Tutiral or other assistance is available, to help me achieve this?
I'm assuming you want to do this animated?
Yes. I may have to create the mouth moves, using....Mimic?
...And apply Mimic to a Character?
Obviously, I need a good education in this process. But I'm not sure where to begin,
I DO wish to achive it, however.
Merged the two threads on this - please don't post multiple threads on the same issue as it's likely to lead to people covering ground in oen thread that has already been discussed in the other.
Setting up an effective conversation, beyond the use of Mimic/LipSync to get the mouth movements to match the soundtrack, is more of a general cinematography question - the same principles apply whether youa re animating in 3D or filming real people. I would suggest having two or three cameras, rather than trying to pan between the characters, and rendering to image sequence from each then stitching the close-ups of each and any framing shots together from those sequences.
That was...kind of an accident, sorry.
Should I just make the attempt?
Or is there any tutotials about how to do this?
Most of the animation stuff is trial and error...there are basic tutorials that should get you started, in general, but for the specifics....
This thread has some tutorial links
I will roll up my sleeves. lol