Set shows up black in Perspective View

I'm using Collective3d Neighborhood Block 1: Part C and I've come up with an issue that I'm hoping that I've just missed. Whan I load the main set, all I see is a black set - and that's not even before I use any camera. I'm not entirely sure what's casing it. 

Can anyone help me?


1443 x 742 - 36K


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Hit CTRL+L.

  • CaetlynCaetlyn Posts: 85

    Thank you!!

  • To explain - by default DS tries to preview the effect of the lights in the scene, but that can sometimes not be helpful. Cmd/ctrl L toggles the preview on and off, so the first hit replaces the attemtped preview with a pseudo, non-rendering headlamp effect. The actual command is found in the Window menu.

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