Need a bit of help - can't get Carrara to start

So I decided to give Carrara a try - I've had it forever, just never got around to it.

I've tried installing the 64 bit version with DIM - and from the downloadable insttaller. I've tried installing to my preferred directory - D:\bits-64\DAZ 3D\ and to the default Program Files on the C: drive.

It won't start. I click on the desktop shortcut or on the program in the start menu and I get a screen blink like something is loadng - and that's it. No log that I can find; nothing in the system logs.

The system is Windows 10 Pro, 64 GB, dual 27 inch 1920 X 1280 monitors on an Nvidia 1080 TI. No internet access from the system, but running Windows Defender.

Where do I look? Do I need to have something besides the main app installed before it will run?


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