Face Transfer and Surfaces - how to restore surfaces
Posts: 28
I altered my figure's face with Face Transfer and it did a great job. BUT the surfaces were also transferred from the photo to the figure.
How can I restore the skin color maps?
Thanks for Any hints on this topic.
One more note. If the full material map is applied for the skin after Face Transfer, it reshaped the figure's face.
Woops!. I see on closer examination. The FaceTransfer photo was added painted detail. It was not actually sculpting the figure.
You can just reapply the base material you were using, it is still a Genesis 8 or 9 figure, but yes the modified maps do do a lot of the work.
It does "sculpt" the face (applies morphs) but you're correct, some of the detail you see is also "painted textures". You can replace "all but the face textures" with the figure's original, but you'll v likely get a colour mismatch with those and the FT face-texture..
When I use FT, I've a large collection of Morphs that I apply after the transfer, which help make the transfer "look better" and get closer to the face transferred in. Those morphs (tweaks to "settings") seem to be "made available" via various products.
Products like:
https://www.daz3d.com/mesh-grabber-morph-editor-win <-- Is also vv helpful "creating" morphs (and editing those applied)