Question about the Gime-inizer product

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

It seems to be what I am looking for but I want to make sure that I can only make selected parts of clothing or people dirty. i.e. hands, right cheek but not the left, pants but not shirt. Has anyone used this product before and is it fairly user friendly? Thanks :)


  • It will affect a whole surface, though with a bit of simple mask editing it could be restricted. Separating hands or cheeks would require either a new mask or splitting the mesh into separate surfaces using the Geometry Editor tool; in most cases shirts and trousers would be separate surfaces even if they were part of the same model.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Thanks for the info Richard! I'm not quite sure exactly what you're saying because I'm still learning but I think I grasp the concept. And I like that you used the word "simple."

    So what you're saying is, if I apply the Grime-inizer to a character, it will be all over the character from head to toe and visible on any part of the body that isn't covered by clothing and I can apply it to the clothing but have to do that seperately? If so, that does make sense. Now the big question, do you know of a tutorial that covers mask editing/new mask/how to split the mesh that would help with this product? Just to give you an idea of what my thought was, A character being chased though a dirty warehouse, scrambling away from his pursuer. Hands dirty from the floor, dirty smudges on his face and the same on his clothes (where it makes sense.) I just am trying to avoid the "just crawled from a swamp" look.

    Thanks again for your help!


  • The overlays don't have to affect the whole figure, they would however affect the whole of a single surface. You might be better using an image editor to make your own custom overlays (perhaps using the Grime-inizer textures as a souce) and applying them manually rather than using the presets.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Can you give me an example of what you mean by "single surface"?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you look at the Surfaces pane each item in the list is a surface -- for example, an outfit might have one surface for the main cloth parts and separate surfaces for the trim, for metal ornaments, etc.

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