Glowing teeth

During a render, one figure has glowing teeth.  It looks like she has a light bulb in her mouth.  Is this a problem with the figures skin?  Or the lights?  I'm using a light setup that came with the set, so finding which light (20+) is causing it would be problematic...


On an unrelated note, one specific figure always loads with all the joint parameters switched off.  Is there a way to defalt switch them on again, or do I have to do it one joint at a time every time I use that figure?


  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727

    Are you using 3DeLight?

    It's been a while since I switched to Iray, and I have not seen this happen in Iray, but in 3DL, I seem to remember that there was an issue with SSS and the interior of the mouth. Basically I think if you turn SSS off on all surfaces inside the mouth (teeth, gums, tongue, etc.) the glow disappears.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    In additon to the SSS settings, in the 3Delight world, some surfaces have their Ambient channel set, which will cause a glow. This in fact was fairly common in the V4 days, for various reasons. If you are rendering in 3DL (please, always note the renderer you are using), look for the Ambient nodes and turn them all off. If you're using 3DL or Poser materials converted to Iray, look for the Emission Color node. It should be black (0,0,0).


  • hermun81hermun81 Posts: 101

    Yes it's 3DL.

  • hermun81hermun81 Posts: 101

    Under which tab would I find these ambient nodes?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    hermun81 said:

    Under which tab would I find these ambient nodes?


    Surfaces...but which shader (it will be listed up at the very top of the Surfaces tab, when you select a specific surface).


  • hermun81hermun81 Posts: 101

    Ambient colour?  It's already 0 0 0.

  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727

    hermun... Select your character model and switch to the surfaces tab in your UI. You should see a list of a whole bunch of surfaces, like nostrils, hands, feet, fingernails, etc.  Select the ones that pertain to the mouth, such as teeth by clicking on the name in the list of surfaces.  Then look over to the side at all the various parameters.  You should see a "subsurface scattering" or "SSS" parameter. Turn it off for each surface.  For example on Teen Josie 6, Subsurface Off-On is set to 1.0 by default on her teeth. You would slide it to 0.  Do the same for all mouth surfaces.

    Because of this problem many figures, including teen Josie, even come with a preset "Mouth SSS Off." If one of yours has that, you can load that into your figure (double-click with the figure selected and the surfaces highlighted) and it will clear the problem in one shot. If not you will need to do each one individually and turn the SSS off on each and every one.

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