Deleting just part of a product?

Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,642

I have a weird question.  I have some products that have just parts of them that I will never use.  For instance, I just bought a huge fantasy morph pack for G8, and while I love 99% of what's in it, there is also a zombie morph or 2 that I don't like at all.  Also, I have some magic products that have parts I will never use (with  strange texts that I can't understand).  Textures with bloody versions, monster skins that come with regular characters or texture packs, etc., I would really like to remove just the items that I don't want, and the thumbnails/links to them.  Is there a way to do that?  Note that this is not for storage space reasons, just so that I don't have to look at those parts, lol!


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Yes, depending on the sort of parts you want to remove.  You can delete the icons for loading poses, materials, and objects in most cases with no problems, although if the product is updated you'll need to remove them again.  If youhave your own categories set up, you can also just move them into a junk folder so you never have to see them (I call mine zzzjunk so it's always at the bottom of the list).  Morphs can be trickier because of interdependencies.

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,642

    Fixmypcmike said:

    Yes, depending on the sort of parts you want to remove.  You can delete the icons for loading poses, materials, and objects in most cases with no problems, although if the product is updated you'll need to remove them again.  If youhave your own categories set up, you can also just move them into a junk folder so you never have to see them (I call mine zzzjunk so it's always at the bottom of the list).  Morphs can be trickier because of interdependencies.

    Ok, good!  Thanks for your help!!!  I don't have categories set up, I just use the Content Library and Smart Content (I know it's not that reliable, but sometimes I'm lazy lol).  I do know how to manually install products, but I've never really messed around with the files inside of the folders much.  Any idea what files I would need to delete?  Say, for example, there's a magic product, it has an item I don't want, just a prop.  Maybe it has a thumbnail and a couple textures with their own thumbnails. Where would I look to find those files, and know what to delete?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you're in Content Library under Products or Categories, you can right-click on the item and choose "Remove Reference" -- that leaves the files on disk and just removes the thumbnail from the Product or Category.  Under any of the 5 top-level sections in Content Library, you can right-click and choose "Browse to File Location" to open the folder on disk with the actual files, and delete both the asset (.duf, for example) and the matching thumbnail (.png) that match the name that was displayed in Content Library.

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,642

    Fixmypcmike said:

    If you're in Content Library under Products or Categories, you can right-click on the item and choose "Remove Reference" -- that leaves the files on disk and just removes the thumbnail from the Product or Category.  Under any of the 5 top-level sections in Content Library, you can right-click and choose "Browse to File Location" to open the folder on disk with the actual files, and delete both the asset (.duf, for example) and the matching thumbnail (.png) that match the name that was displayed in Content Library.

    Awesome, thank you!  If I can't figure out the file stuff, it sounds like the remove reference thing might do the trick.  Thanks for all your help!!!

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