
JediKnight2140JediKnight2140 Posts: 37
edited December 2023 in Daz Studio Discussion

is there a way to add some kind of destruction to buildings? Like, say an explosion blew through a wall and left a gaping hole in it. How do I do that?

Post edited by JediKnight2140 on


  • Currently, at least, that needs an external application or a model that is specially prepared fror that use - Daz Studio itself does not have a destruction tool.

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,969
    edited December 2023

    As Richard said, a product actually designed for destruction would be best. Although, there was a plugin/product that did something like this which I forget the name of right now.* Plus other products contain rubble and stuff that can add to the "damaged on purpose" look.

    *Edit: I found the product I was thinking of but it was actually a specially made vinette with destruction morphs and a very enthusiastic description.

    There are quite a few products in the store and a tutorial too regarding how to make things look damaged or destroyed. And there is also a freebie out there called "Destroy! for DAZ" which says it has "destructable walls and buildings". I won't post a link since it's homepage contains a image that would be against the forum TOS but it should be easy enough to find.

    Post edited by SofaCitizen on
  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    JediKnight2140 said:

    is there a way to add some kind of destruction to buildings? Like, say an explosion blew through a wall and left a gaping hole in it. How do I do that?

    Hi  such details would have to be added to the asset in a 3D modeling program

  • NinefoldNinefold Posts: 256

    Gescon can shatter objects inside DAZ Studio:

    There are also some pre-destroyed objects in the store, like these, which have both unbroken and broken states:

    And all kinds of rubble and ruins that you can find by searching the store for those terms, including this dForce falling rubble:

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