Gen 8 clothes on gen 9

I know this is a newbie question, but I never really researched this before. I currently don't have much clothes for Gen 9. I sometimes use Gen 8 clothes using the Auto-Fit tool. Now, here's the question. Once I auto-fit something, let's say pants, onto a female Gen 9, will those pants be Gen 9 clothes from now on or will I have to Auto-Fit each time I use them? What do you say?


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    If you save them as Wearable Presets after autofit and adjustment, there won't be autofit pop up next time when you load Wearable Presets to G9 ~~

  • Thanks, that's what I thought. I just did one but somehow made a mistake. When I try to load a skirt I had done that way, the figure came with it. I had somehow save the figure and the skirt together. Going to try again in a minute.

    One thiing, though, can you save an outfit? For instance, shirt, skirt; and shoes. Or do you have to do it one at a time?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    Select the figure, save from - File - Save as - Wearable(s) Preset...

    Then in Wearable Preset Save Option dialog, just tick the items you wanna save.

    592 x 695 - 74K
    608 x 808 - 31K
  • Great, I'll that a try. Thanks.

  • Yep, it worked. Thank you again for the help.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    Nice ! My pleasure ~ yes

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