Changing Gen 9's face width

wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758
edited December 2023 in Product Suggestions

I hate coming back again with a problem. I've been having a lot this week and now I came up with another.

I noticed Genesis 9 heads are a little too wide in some cases. For the life of me I can't find a control to make it thinner. I purchased Shape Shift for Genesis 9 but it doesn't have anything to work on the head. I found one control that shrinks the head, like an Amazon Shrunken Head, but without the stitches.

Do I have to purchase another shape morphing program, if so, which will do the job. I don't want to buy any other that won't do the trick.

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Okay, cancel that request. I found another product that cover just the face. 200 Plus Genesis 9 Edition. That looks like it will do the job.

  • Moved to Product Suggestions anyway - looking for content does not go in Daz Studio Discussion, that is for threads about the application.

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