Can't categorize products

I'm trying to move some of the stuff categorized in "footwear" to "shoes" but it seems to not work at all.

The products are correctly set to be in the "shoes" category BUT they still get shown in "footwear" one too and doesn't appear in "shoes" one.

I changed category to many products but this is the only one that gives me this issue.

How can I solve?


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,784

    When editing the meta data you technically do not "move" but "add" or "remove" - since one of the advantages of the metadata is that you can apply multiple categories. So, in addition to checking next to shoes you need to uncheck footwear.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,068
    edited December 2023

    SofaCitizen said:

    When editing the meta data you technically do not "move" but "add" or "remove" - since one of the advantages of the metadata is that you can apply multiple categories. So, in addition to checking next to shoes you need to uncheck footwear.

    But I do that but it doesn't work as expected!

    I press the " Remove from all categories " button on the bottom then I select the new category I want and confirm, but in the end the old category I deselected is still there along the new one but the stuff still gets shown only in the old category.

    Also some of the stuff that I can see in the Content tab, even if I categorize them, doesn't get shown in the Smart Content.

    Post edited by Imago on
  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,784

    Ahh, OK. How do you install thsese products, if it is via DIM can you confirm that you do not log into your account via Daz Studio (and thus also have Daz Connect active)? If you do have both DIM and Daz Connect getting involved then you may have two copies of the product (and thus two copies of the metadata) which will be confusing things. Alternatively, the asset you are trying to tag may have somehow got itself added to the "Local User" product (effectively meaning it has multiple records in the database). If that is the case you can try removing it from that product and see if it then behaves as normal.

    As for the second thing, that does sound a bit odd - but is probably connected to the other issue. Although, if you have just made a change it may not show straight away and so you have to right-click in the Smart Content and click refresh.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,445

    While you can change your custom categorization anytime, you can't remove Vendor categories that way, it must be done by changing the metadata file and re-importing it. You can use the Content DB Editor from a Product view (it has a tab for the Product as well as the familiar one for Assets). You can export a new metadata file with the changes you want. Note that all categories in that new file become read-only Vendor data, including any customization that you added, and will mark any custom folders with those assets as Read-Only. (You might have to uninstall, delete the product from the database, then re-install with the new metadata file in the package).

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,308

    It should always work as long as the metadata is correctly defined.... Which product ?

    1411 x 1397 - 211K
    484 x 742 - 65K
    496 x 1302 - 94K
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,068

    I did everything you guys suggested me, nothing to do...

    I use only DIM and connect to my account inside DAZ Studio only when it's truly needed. I never use Connect even if I have it set up due to a couple of Connect-Only products that got recategorized no problems.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,068

    Ok, I found a temporary solution, I'll post it here in the case someone else gets the same issue.

    I created a new sub-category under "shoes" and put all the products in there, now I can see all of them at once while the "footwear" one is empty. Not sure if it's a good idea to delete it, anyway.

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