Find out pose used on model?

Is there any way to figure out what pose you used on a model in a saved scene?
I can easily tell what hair is used, the clothing, etc, because they all appear in the Scene pane.
But I can't figure out which pose I used on a Genesis 8 figure. I want to use the same pose on a Genesis 9 figure, but copying the G8 figure and pasting the pose to the G9 figure does not work. And I have more than 300 pose sets. It's frustrating going through them all trying to find the pose I used.
I have the pose converter to apply the G8 pose to the G9 figure, trouble is I just cannot find the pose.
Post edited by vonHobo on
You could save a pose preset from the G8 figure and convert that.
I finally found the pose, but thank you for the suggestion.
I will try this and write it down for next time.
To answer the question anyway, no, this is not possible.
Poses have no traceable library links like there are with models, morphs or textures. Once it's applied, it's just joint pose values that are then resaved into the scene file.
I used to have very similar requirement as OP. At earliest time I wrote them down by using a sticker software, then I used Super Save -, which can save Notes with the scene file, pretty convenient.
Then I use MD Node Notes, much more convenient and stronger... but it's not in the store now - ... similar script may be written.
Thank you for clearing that up. That was my guess, but I wanted to ask to be sure.
I should probably take notes. Thank you for the software suggestions.
It's available for free on @MikeD's website:
Hah, nice! I've not visited his site for a while...
It will take less time to simply re-save the pose to a new name than going search for the pose file in the content library. You can have the pose saved in 10-15 seconds. File / Save As / PosePreset