Your Favorite DAZ Medieval Environment - Any Era?

What's your favorite medieval environment sold on DAZ? It can be an interior or external locale, 5th century, 10th century, 15th century, a vignette, a full environment, anything. 

I thought it might be helpful to not only to myself but others if we could get a thread going of personal picks, especially if those of you with more knowledge about this era could also identify which specific time period your favorite environment belongs to.

(Acknowledging, of course, that few DAZ sets are 100% historical accurate, which is why you'll always find the occasional peasant hovel with glass windows and so on.)


  • ZippyGuitarZippyGuitar Posts: 849
    edited December 2023

    I've used so much of this in so many projects. But I also really love using assets from

    Maybe it's not what you were looking for. Maybe you're wanting more historically accurate, but I very rarely use stuff as is. I pull from any set I can to tell the story in my head.

    Post edited by ZippyGuitar on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 2023

    I don't do a lot of exteriors for my illustrations, but I've done a lot of kitbashing with Roughy and Strangefate's stuff. So far, chiefly their Red Crow Inn, and the Medieval bedroom, but I've used the bits and props from the fantasy house since they started releasing those as well. 

    I have had to convert them all to 3DL, since I'm not touching Iray if I can avoid it (I usually can, but not always). ANd sometimes that has been a bit fraught, but once done, I have the converted versions to load at will.

    Before those were available I tended to use Faveral's stuff. I still do from time to time. But the R+S stuff all works so well together.

    Although, I'll be honest. I'm just as likely to haul out the old Redhouse Study with RawArt's Castle Study texture set, it it fits the scene. I've got scenes built using those -- along with the old Tower Interior. Once I've got a set built, I'll go on using it.

    I used to use DM's sets and props fairly extensively, and I still do use the props. But haven't built anything new using the sets for a while.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392

    Since the Red Crow Inn has already been given a nod, here's my current favourite Medieval exterior:



  • I love the Streets of Medieval, Hog & Barrel and the Red Crow Stuff as well. I also like by Stonemason and in general Fugazi's (Fg) stuff.
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    I like more reality in my Dark Age, Early Medieval, Later Medieval, and early Rennaisance periods and their props. I am not picky if they are 3DL or Iray and I have found that when it comes to re-installing products after a disaster with my products there are certain PAs whom I go to for their products always. Some are older, some newer, some have one product, some many. I love them all.

    Faveral, First Bastion, Howie Farkes (UltraScenery also a given for backgrounds), Jack Tomalin, Merlin Studios, Meshitup, MikeD, Muze, Nouschka Design, PhilW, Polish (with care as more Hollywoodish), Predatron, ROG, Sixus1 Media, SloshWerks, Souless Empathy, Stonemason, Tango Alpha, The Alchemist, The Management, Vyusur.

  • I have a lot of medieval and pseudo-medieval sets because one of the regular locales for my story series is this sort of fantasy-novel medievalist place, and I have too many regular reliables to list, but I would not be able to operate without Faveral's Medieval Interior Construction Kit. I've been using it more, and longer, than any other medieval interiors in my library--it's actually one of the first kits I bought when I started using Studio.

    I recommend the bundle:

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I realize it's almost certainly build since the 18th century (I'm not an expert on such things) but of the medieval environments I've purchased I like this one best: The Church Bundle | Daz 3D

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 2023

    When I first got into all of this, my favorite was Faveral's Medieval City combined with elements of his Medieval Village. And then later came his amazing Medieval Docks! All amazing kits that fit in artistic design so work very well together in the same series of adventures.


    And while I still love using those, another favorite has come through the magical workings of DzFire - Forsaken Village and Forsaken Keep, which are both also Construction Sets


    Enter Andrey Pestryakov, who has absolutely Wowed me with these and many other kits that work well for filling out the rest of the adventure!



    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 2023

    Enterables comes along and starts making all manner of excellent kits like this (right), and they're Daz + items as well! They are fantastic models, efficient and high quality, and have textured/modeled interiors as well - lending well to the vendor's name. 

    Highly recommended when you need extra structures, especially ones that your actors need to enter and exit in-scene.

    There are a plethora of them available now - even some for Orcs and such. Awesome!


    I also love collecting Daz Originals like these (just a small example of them) because they look and render really well, yet are incredibly light on their feet - so we can pack them with actors! :)



    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • Seconding the rec for all the Enterables kits. They're cheap, they're functional, and they're the best way to set up a goblin village in thirty seconds :P

  • ServantServant Posts: 760

    IMHO, still the best for the price. Pretty much lets you build and customize any background you'd need.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited December 2023

    I got a lot of use out of Castle Creator from way back,  and still can assemble together a nice looking castle for filling the midground or the background.Plus working draw bridges are always good for medieval images  Castle Creator | Daz 3D


    And for a more iray current environment  the Knights castle has the right level of grungy medieval  The Knight's Castle | Daz 3D

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Over on Rendo a couple of names to look through are Roland Creations and Dante78. The Roland Creations are a little tricky to use. The Dante78 stuff has awward promos done up completely in shades of brown But there are a *lot* of things in his store.

  • if we are going to include non DAZ medieval stuff Dry Jack has some nice buildings on ShareCG for free

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    if we are going to include non DAZ medieval stuff Dry Jack has some nice buildings on ShareCG for free


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