Product install via "Install" tab in DS

in The Commons
I use to see most new product purchases listed on "Install" tab in DS under "All Pruducts". The install from here put pruducts under Daz Connect. I no longer see purchases under the install tab. If I launch DIM pruducts are there but install under My Library. Seems to have started happening when I installed 4.22. Do I need to reset something? I hate having to jump between DAZ Connect tree and My Library tree to find installed products. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks ... I realize some pruducts don't work with "Install" but nothing has showed up on the tab since 4.22, even new products.
There's a check-box on the Connect login screen to Update Metadata. By default it is unchecked. Check it when you want to retrieve the metadata for new purchases.
Thanks! Once I uninstall the thru DIM, the product now shows up under "Install" tab.
There is also a command to Update Metadata in the Connect menu, if you want to do it now but not necessarily always.