How to erase ALL neta data on Daz's cloud

I keep having a folder...seemingly replacing "My Daz Connet"....its a folder I named myself when I was a bit noobish....


This folder keeps coming back uninstall after uninstall...I've tried every trick I can find out there,,,,I've deleted and uninstalled until there was no trace of Daz OR this fike name...we'll call it "D-tater".


it screws up my pathways pretty bad....I've run DIM and installed ONLY Studio...and its there....I have a version at work....copied all the Studio files there and deleted and pasted them in....the second Studio talks to the cloud..."D-tater" is back and Daz Connect is gone.


anyone got any ideas how to erase that cloud data and start over?


  • Uninstalling won't affect path settings, if that is what you mean. Edit>Preferences, Daz Studio>Preferences for a Mac, then go to the Content tab and click Content Directory Manager. Note that a folder must be specified for Daz Connect data Directory, even if you don't use it, but as long as you don't let Daz Studio go online and update metadata (off by default in 4.22.x.x) then it will be empty.

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