LAMH 2 Iray Catalyzer?

I purchased this some time ago and -thought- I had installed it.
Tonight, I went to load my mane.
So I search for the catalyzer in the smart content tab, find it, open the PDF.
Following the instructions, I go to look for the plug-in...nothing.
I go to windows> option for it.

So I figure to install it manually.
An hour later...and I am now confused why this thing won't install.
I have used the "installer", tried to set it to the appropriate program location. It -said- it installed...searched. Nothing. Opened Daz...nothing. No option to select it in panes, nothing.
Go to find the "uninstaller". Can't.
Finally, find the installer in the "download" folder(WHY? I have NO clue. It was not directed to that in any way)
I have now followed these steps over and over for nearly an hour. No way to get it to install, nor show up in Daz for a plug-in.

So I get the smart idea to use the "DazCentral" to install it. You would think this would work....Nope! Same result, it stated it was installed. I checked the directory, (I know it is the correct directory as I got it from the preference menu location for content. I know my other content is in there and showing up).
I then go back to DazCentral and "uninstall" it.

I once more try to manually install it. open installer, go through the steps, allow -it- to locate install location....same outcome. Nothing.
(yes, before anyone asks. I close Daz, install, then open. Nothing. I then close it again. Open it just in case. confirm no availability. close it and proceed to uninstall and start all over again)
I have installed and uninstalled way too many times and this thing won't show up. I have the PDF available in my smart content folder...but nothing else. No plug-in showing, no pane showing nothing.

I even did a manual search for the files. Which oddly brought up nothing. (this was after an install attempt, before (obviously) uninstalling it)



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,308
    edited December 2023

    Since Daz Central was discontinued by Daz, so pls always use DIM to download and install productsfrom now on...

    First completely close DS, install Catalyzer with DIM. After instalation, see if you can locate LAMH2Iray Catalyzer in Installed tab as per the screenshot 1.  Plugin DLL files should be in "plugins" folder under DS application path.

    Then launch DS, go to the menu ~ Help - About Installed Plugins... check if LAMH2Iray Catalyzer plugin is there. If it is, enter the serial number in the blank field. As per the screenshot 2.

    Restart DS. You'll find the plugin under Windows - Panes (Tabs). as Screenshot 3.


    1151 x 954 - 105K
    692 x 770 - 84K
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    Post edited by crosswind on
  • crosswind said:

    Since Daz Central was discontinued by Daz, so pls always use DIM to download and install productsfrom now on...

    First completely close DS, install Catalyzer with DIM. After instalation, see if you can locate LAMH2Iray Catalyzer in Installed tab as per the screenshot 1.  Plugin DLL files should be in "plugins" folder under DS application path.

    Then launch DS, go to the menu ~ Help - About Installed Plugins... check if LAMH2Iray Catalyzer plugin is there. If it is, enter the serial number in the blank field. As per the screenshot 2.

    Restart DS. You'll find the plugin under Windows - Panes (Tabs). as Screenshot 3.


    I will try it as I gave up the other day on it.
    So DazCentral is defunct now?

  • ElorElor Posts: 1,168

    DarkElegance said:

    So DazCentral is defunct now?

    From @Daz_Steve:

    Trying to support both has created a lot of problems.  We ran some A/B testing to see what most customers preferred (existing and new), and DIM performed better than Daz Central.  Due to that, we did some updates to improve DIM and will be phasing central out.  We are also looking to take some of the most popular features of Central and add them in DIM soon, however.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,068
    edited December 2023

    hey why didn't anyone think to tell me it does animations!!!!

    just bought it finally today


    meh update, same synching issues as 3Dlight has with LAMH

    I didn't mind waiting if it reloaded the mesh but even though it has a frame range apparently it doesn't

    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • OK user error, it saves it's renders in a different folder, I should not have enabled image series in the iray render tab

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