Face Transfer 2 Trial VS HeadShop pro 23

DGECDGEC Posts: 26
edited December 2023 in Daz Studio Discussion
I have head shop Pro 23 bud I'm interested in the new AI driven face transfer program. I'd like to be able to compare the output with the trial version before purchasing a lender program but I can't find a trial version of either ft one or two. Is the description of a trial version out of date?
Post edited by DGEC on


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    DGEC said:

    I have head shop Pro 23 bud I'm interested in the new AI driven face transfer program. I'd like to be able to compare the output with the trial version before purchasing a lender program but I can't find a trial version of either ft one or two. Is the description of a trial version out of date?

    You need to download and install the latest version of DS Public Build... Place an order in here (if you've not done it before) - https://www.daz3d.com/daz-studio-beta  Then download and install it with DIM.

  • DGECDGEC Posts: 26
    edited December 2023
    I'm confused... Why do I need DS beta? Will Transfer 2 be included in the DS program? Oh! Like FT1, the trial is part of the DS system but you have to install the new build for version 2. Got you. Thanks! Have you/anyone tried both? How does quality and ease of use compare? Not sure if I want to install the beta version since it seems like you can't have both installed in case it's flakier.
    Post edited by DGEC on
  • DGEC said:

    I'm confused... Why do I need DS beta? Will Transfer 2 be included in the DS program? Oh! Like FT1, the trial is part of the DS system but you have to install the new build for version 2. Got you. Thanks! Have you/anyone tried both? How does quality and ease of use compare? Not sure if I want to install the beta version since it seems like you can't have both installed in case it's flakier.

    Currently Face Transfer 2 is onyl available in the Public Build (the beta0 - the next update to the General Release should also contain it.

  • HironibikiHironibiki Posts: 5
    edited December 2023

    I can't find Daz Studio Pro BETA in the installer manager.
    I tried to follow step by step how to install but it doesn't find it.
    It's simply not there in the install manager. It's not called "Daz Studio Pro BETA", not even "sku::12000". The "hidden display" is popped up.
    The installation is done on a new machine therefore starting from scratch with the install manager.
    I can just download the package manually but then where do I put it?
    The manually downloaded file weighs 1.5Kb, is it possible that little??
    What should I do?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Hironibiki said:

    I can't find Daz Studio Pro BETA in the installer manager.
    I tried to follow step by step how to install but it doesn't find it.
    It's simply not there in the install manager. It's not called "Daz Studio Pro BETA", not even "sku::12000". The "hidden display" is popped up.
    The installation is done on a new machine therefore starting from scratch with the install manager.
    I can just download the package manually but then where do I put it?

    Click the Download Filters button at top-left of the Ready to Download tab and make sure that Public Builds are checked - they are not by default.

    The manually downloaded file weighs 1.5Kb, is it possible that little??

    That sounds as if you downloaded the download instructions, that tell Install Manager what to show. Thre is no manual download for the Beta - in order to ensure it coexists properly with the General Release the Public Build must be installed through DIM.

    What should I do?

  • hello !  if i purchase the Face Transfer Unlimited (v1) now, does that include upgrade to the v2 (beta nd official). or will it be seperate purchase/upgrade fee

    thanks !

  • HironibikiHironibiki Posts: 5
    edited December 2023

    Thanks Richard for your help. Now I finally managed to activate the beta too :-)

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • jonathan.moscou_413ec739de said:

    hello !  if i purchase the Face Transfer Unlimited (v1) now, does that include upgrade to the v2 (beta nd official). or will it be seperate purchase/upgrade fee

    thanks !

    They are separate - the original supports Genesis 8, the new Face Transfer 2 supports Genesis 9.

  • How did you compare of Face Transfer 2 Trial VS HeadShop pro 23 go? I only have testet the former and still have later on my wishlist.


    I think Face-Transfer 2 has some potential but is still only "looks good from the front, but needs heavy ajustment from the side", because you only can give it one frontal image and no side view. If you could give it multible images from different angles (not only straight front and straight side) and with help from an AI, I think this would be the best photo to 3d head software you can get.


    One downside of the AI (i presume) is, if your person have a exceptional eye shape like narrow or slanted eyelids, Face transfer always ignores this and "thinks" the person has just blink and generate not squinted and (Genesi 9) normal eye shapes. It always has done this on my tests anyway.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Hironibiki said:

    I can't find Daz Studio Pro BETA in the installer manager.
    I tried to follow step by step how to install but it doesn't find it.
    It's simply not there in the install manager. It's not called "Daz Studio Pro BETA", not even "sku::12000". The "hidden display" is popped up.
    The installation is done on a new machine therefore starting from scratch with the install manager.
    I can just download the package manually but then where do I put it?

    Click the Download Filters button at top-left of the Ready to Download tab and make sure that Public Builds are checked - they are not by default.

    The manually downloaded file weighs 1.5Kb, is it possible that little??

    That sounds as if you downloaded the download instructions, that tell Install Manager what to show. Thre is no manual download for the Beta - in order to ensure it coexists properly with the General Release the Public Build must be installed through DIM.

    What should I do?

    super tip! looking to try out this new product too :) 

  • I purchased HS Pro 2024 at a steal of a deal and it doesn't work with my install for some reason. The author is working with me to see why his program isn't showing up in my DAZ EDIT tab.

    I can run it from the command line, but it SUCKS to say the least. I only have the trial of FT1 and love it so much more that I really want to purchase the FT Unlimted - but it didn't go on sale for the holidays :(

    attached a cpl HS Pro2024 items for reference. It fails to compose out the entire skin on the head (and the body), and leaves some nasty looking background items. 



  • Please don't attach textures, even modified.

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