Tris High Heels - Wanting to Hide Socks

Just bought the new Tris High Heels and I am not at all pleased. The shoes can't be loaded without the socks, and the socks can't be removed. I tried their Cutout Opacity to 0.00 but G8F's feet disappeared, and reapplying a character's mats does nothing.
I don't want heels with socks, and I'm not looking forward to going through the hassle of requesting a refund.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Thanks for pointing this out before I purchased them. Funny how there is a hide shoes option, but not hide socks which makes more sense to me
The material tab for the socks' opacity makes the foot disappear? Even in render? That seems weird to me. You could try looking at the texture for the product and making an opacity map that just blacks out the area where the socks would be, leaving only the area where the "shoe" is textured white, and drop that into the opacity tab
Look there: Tutorial: DAZ Auto Hide Faces Remove by PrefoX on DeviantArt
And this was accepted by Daz as a product? A shoe that won't even let you morph the foot? Hm. Very curious, I must say!
Yeah, since the shoes use the standard function of Auto-Hide Faces of Attachement.. it was naturally accepted by Daz as a product.. even if it would bring some "troubles" to the users in some cases. Prefox's method is a work around though there'll be still one hidden polygon on figure's feet...
For such a case, usually I would remove the hidden "graft" from the geometry dsf file of the shoes then customize "Show or Hide" as needed...
Theer is nothing inherently wrong with using a GeoGraft to hide the area covered by clothing, especially if the clothing is tight and would be expected to constrain the flesh (so that the base shape might be too wide). Using the Geometry Editor to restrict the effect to a sacrificial polygon is fairly simple once you understand the issue, though I do wish there was a simple way to just turn the grafting off.
3D Universe has been making footware like this forever. It can be a small pain, but on the other hand sometimes it's nice to just know that the item will fit as intended regardless of the morphs dialed in.
When I see footwear I like, I use them a lot, even in projects I never publish. I have no intention of going through that process every time I want to use these shoes.
I've returned products in the past for using geografting this way. It shouldn't be a way to prevent pokethru because then you cannot use any translucency/transparency at all on the item.
There are shoes in the store which hide the feet in order to avoid poke-through. It's more usually done with boots. I've run into it a few times. But this sounds like someone implemented it really poorly.
IMO it should always be an option
not the only choice
by all means have a hide underlying faces option but let users choose because many times people want to do stuff like hide one shoe, use it in other softwate that doesn't support geografts, or like in this case hide the socks.
and weird there's a promo pic that shows her wearing the socks and putting on the heels so that kinda says the two are seperate items
The product includes left and right shoe props that can be loaded separately. Those props are what were used in the promo image you attached. Neither of them can be fitted to G8 or G9. I tried.
This was my first purchase here in years.
Things like this are part of the reason why.
It will probably be the last.
I am surprised to learn about this product. But, after becoming informed about it, I don't think there is anything "wrong" with designing a product this way. It works as intended, I suppose. However, there should probabally be something in the description on the sales page that describes them accurately so people know what they are buying.
Exactly. This products "intended" use is outside the norm for many (socks with heels??), so a disclaimer is in order. I was excited to see this in the store and had it in my cart when I saw Nyghtfalls post and that made me take it out of my cart. I can only hope Prefox sees this and updates it with an option for no socks, or creates a new set like without socks
Clear information in the description could have avoided these complaints. Tell the customers exactly what they should expect with the product before the purchase.
Just a quick heads up. I picked these up as well and didn't want the sock just the sandals so I followed PreFox's tutorial that was linked above, super quick and easy then just saved out the updated pair of shoes as a new figure with "Socks OFF" at the end of the name for the duf and dsf files and now they load without the socks on them! I set the one face to be hidden in the bottom of the mouth mesh for the base figure so it won't affect any clothing/hair/etc. lol
Thanks so much for the link bombenleger58 !!!
I see the woman in the image above has Barbie feet.
I'm not familiar with colliding figures with objects. How do I do that?
It's part of the smoothing modifier. When you add a smoothing modifier (edit - figure - geometry - add smoothing modifier) Then go into the parameters under general and there is a section for smoothing. In that section, you can choose the item you want the figure or clothing to collide with and how intense the collision will be
now you say that wait till they bring out socks and thongs or socks and sandals oh wait they did but the socks and thongs/flipflops/sandals/krocks (crocs) were seperate clothing items as well
1. Load your figure into your scene. Then load the shoe but skip the fit dialog when it pops up
2. Adjust foot to general position of shoe using the transform options in the Parameter tab
3. Select shoe and move it into place using the transform options. You can also size and place in general position.
3b. Right Click on shoe and "Change Parent" to figure's foot (navigate down the tree of body parts to the correct foot). Make sure to tick the check box "Parent in place"
4. With the Shoe selected in the Scene tab, Click: Edit > Object > Geometry > Add Smoothing Modifier
5. Select Character in the Dialog pop up box
6. Mesh Smoothing Modifier shows up in Parameter Tab
7. Adjust sliders in smoothing and colliding options (maybe resize shoe more, if needed)
PS...Images 5 and 6 are numbered backwards but all the info is there. (Sorry)
Sorry, but there is not a single image of the heels without socks, nor did I mention it in the description that it is a possibility.
The whole purpose to hide the feet is, to avoid distortion with custom morphs and to support "unsupported" shapes.
yes I added the shoes as a prop and you can hide the shoes on the wearable item, so the options are there.
Well, I think it looks like a very nice product and since you also included the addition of the extra props of the shoes separately as well, I think it's even more than would be expected and seems like a very good idea to me, actually.
Hope my confusion actually cleared up any misunderstandings that anyone may have had about it and perhaps my mini tutorial will help too!
. Honestly, I think with the socks, it is very cute and trendy,
since I have seen many young people wear this style, actually! 
my respose was to geografted shoes in general not just this product
I was not singling out this product and am sorry if the PA took offence
this thread served the purpose of not only bringing the issue to people's attention but also offereng some options and solutions for those still prepared to buy geografted shoes and want to modify them
I do think DAZ should always mention if products are geografted though
It's a useful thread, though I don't think i'll be looking to create extra hassle to use products,
I remember seeing these and thinking it was funny all the promo's had socks in with them, but glossed over it as just an interesting choice for the promo (not the first time the daz promo pics are 100% useful)
But as it turns out the promo pics are exactly what you get, though it does mean I can remove them from my wishlist as I don't like the socks look personally, though it looks a well made product.
I agree with Wendy, that in general the store should state if products are geografted though, for everyones sake.
Thread title edited for clarity, since the product is working as designed.