Mechasar Evil Pumpkin add-on textures are missing

in The Commons
Mechasar Mega Add-Ons Pack 1
I had the whole pack installed. Now I'm trying to make an evil watermelon but get files are missing alert. I uninstalled and reinstalled several times, no love. It's also really messed up that once you uninstall, you can't install the Mega Add-ons Pack, but has to instal all the packs individually, but then it appears in Smart Content as the mega pack. Totally confusing.
Anyway, here is the screenshot. I installed the evil pumpin add-ons via DIM but the textures are not there. The accessories are there though. And I just downloaded the pack manually and the "Evil Fruits" folder that should have the materials is missing.

1388 x 790 - 216K

824 x 576 - 65K
Do you have the Evil Pumpkin package itself?
As the Mega Add-ons package itself says, the product is an add-on, not the main thing, and it looks from your error message as though the missing files are from the main Evil Pumpkin G8M package itself.
If you do have the main product and you're still getting that error, then you may need to file a help ticket, because something might have gone wrong with the add-on.
I looked in the product description - file list. It includes the mentioned textures.
Does the log, Help > Trobleshooting > View Log File, provide more information?
@lou_harper Please look here. It appears that Daz has never fixed this problem. You probably still have to manually download the second package from your Product Library and manually install it.
The two files for the Evil Pumpkin have the same part number (IM00090085-08), which is not permitted in DIM, one will be blown away. One of them has to be re-numbered, so seeing as there are 23 parts, I used "IM00090085-28_EvilPumpkinAddOns" (kept the "8" to associate the two parts). You can put both in your download folder, refresh DIM and install normally. The second part won't have an order attached to it, but at least it can be managed with DIM.
Well, that's clever. Fixing that probably took you 30 seconds. My help request on this problem is still open after 6 months.
What a mess. :/
Thank you all. Now I understand.
And so I followed NorthOf45's suggestion and the EvilPumpkinAddons2of2 showed up in DIM in my Ready to Install. I installed it. Since I had previously manually installed it from my Product Library, I didn't notice any difference, but it did no harm. Now I have both packages in DIM. I don't know what would happen if Daz ever actually fixes the problem on their end, but after 6 months of waiting, I doubt if that will ever happen.
I really hate the way this product has been handled by Daz. All the little pieces have to be installed by individually, but In Smart Content, everything is lumped under the product Bryana for Beverly for me. @NorthOf45, do you have any magic solution for that? Do you see the same thing?
Strange, my Smart Content has them all under "Mechasar Mega Add-Ons Pack 1" as one would expect, but none of the metadata files has that name, and neither do any of the supplements. Since each package has its own metadata file, with a different product name for the same product token in each (can't have more than one product name for a given product token), the first one in would set the product name in Smart Content, and all following parts would fall under it. The Beverly Add-on is the first part, and presumably the first part you installed, so that is the name of the product, as far as Smart Content is concerned. I do not recall if (or how, or when) I changed the product name, and I cannot find any notes about the fix (I always take notes).
In Content Library, Product View, you can rename a product. You'll need to go to the B's, scroll down to Bryana for Beverly, and right-click, Rename... as you like (others might need to go to another letter, depending on which part was installed first). Note: It might take a while for CMS to process all those entries. It will boot you back out to Products, then you can go back in to see if it worked. I tried it on something else, and it worked as expected.
Yeah, 30 seconds to fix, but 6 weeks to realize what was wrong...
Renaming the product corrected the Smart Content display. @NorthOF45 is a metadata hero!
Glad it worked out. I must admit that I have poked and prodded many hundreds of metadata files over the years.
this and the PAs attitude has ensured I will never buy this product
Hi there! Thank you @vwrangler @felis @barbult @NorthOf45 for your help in giving the right tips.
Very sorry to hear this, may I ask what type of attitude are you referring to exactly? On my behalf, metadata files are not up to me
I was surprised to see Wendy's response, too. The packaging problems and metadata problems are all caused by Daz, not Mechasar. When I found an actual issue with the product content, Mechasar posted a quick workaround and then sent a full fix to Daz almost immediately. It is hard to find better PA support than that.
the reaction given when asking about the megabundle and those who only own a few of your things
I happily buy addons to most stuff I buy but am not inclined to buy bundles at the best of times
from anyone
I may eventually end up owning everything in a bundle anyway but don't like being forced to buy a whole lot of stuff I don't want for a few things I do
if this marketting strategy works for you then good
but it doesn't result in me personally buying any of it
( I do own some of your content, nothing against it but obviously not buying your addon)
again I emphasize I like the products of your's I have just do not find this bundle appealing
I just waited till I could get the addon bundle at a price I felt worth it for the items I had. It doesn't bother me about the parts for sets I don't have. I just didn't install those addons.
Plus it gives me a reason to grab the other items when I can as I've got an addon ready and waiting for them.