Unexpected Clothing Change After Transfer Utility

Hey, All! Has anyone ran into this issue before? Fitted some purchased clothing objs in blender and imported into Daz just fine, but when I use the transfer utility to rig up to G9, the pant legs angle extends out beyond the legs. For context, the original pant legs were a bit wider the default G9 base stance so I posed legs to LEG SPEAD = 7% before exporting to blender for fitting.

1304 x 1067 - 221K
1348 x 1079 - 241K


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,687
    edited December 2023

    If it isn't the default G9 base character, you must use 'current' in shape and tick 'reverse source shape from target' in options.

    Or bake the rotations before doing transfer, and then after transfer adjust to original pose, and rebake the pants.

    If there is any best method I don't know.

    Post edited by felis on
  • For best results, the imported .obj file to D/S must land "perfectly" where it should be on the figure. If it does not, don't change the figure, correct the clothing so that it does [might need Blender for that], [also might want to fix the poke through on the hips], until the clothing .obj does import in to the perfect place. Then run the transfer utility and etc.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    The best way is always tweaking the Wearable to fit the Base figure with default Pose rather than adjusting figure's pose to "fit" the Wearable.

  • felis said:

    If it isn't the default G9 base character, you must use 'current' in shape and tick 'reverse source shape from target' in options.

    Or bake the rotations before doing transfer, and then after transfer adjust to original pose, and rebake the pants.

    If there is any best method I don't know.

    You are a gentleman and a scholar. Worked like an absolute charm! Thanks a ton!

    1045 x 1093 - 288K
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