Missing files - Cannot locate files.

Hello - Good afternoon. Does anyone have experience of this problem please? (See attached pix) Does anyone have a solution please? I have tried the factory re-set, no luck.
Thanks and have a nice day.

Fantasy Village 2.png
594 x 374 - 32K

Fantasy Village.png
1007 x 595 - 106K
How do you install your content?
The usual suspects are;
Logging in to Daz Studio and allowing Daz Connect update/install content
Installing content into C:\Users where OneDrive highjacks the files
Having nested Content Libraries (one inside another)
Using Connect is not inherently a problem, but it can become one if the Connect files are misplaced or fail to decrypt.
Hi PerttiA Thank you for your comment. I usually just allow DIM to load my content but I do load it to a separate external drive. What you say about one-drive is interesting, I have discovered countless DAZ images in my one-drive and because it is 'linked' to my mobile phone the files have appeared there as well. I have solved that by deleting oonedrive from my PC. That has had the effect of removing all the images from my phone. I don't really use one-drive too much so it's not a problem for me. I think I might try deleting and re-installing DAZ.
Have a great Christmas.
Deleting and reinstalling Daz Studio the program usually does not help with Content related problems.
Show us your Content Directories?
Hi Richard. Thanks for your comment, always a pleasure to receive your helpful input.
Merry Christmas.
OK PerttiA - Stand by..........
In Content Directory Manager, click the + signs in front of "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" and post them.
I'm on it................
here yuh go.
OK Guys, have to stand down right now but will be here tomorrow to continue this. Thanks to everyone for your support. Happy Dazzing.
Which of the Content Directories is the one where DIM installs content?
HI PerttiA. I think D:/AllAssetsDAZ But can only be the D:/ drives.
Hello jjoyner. Thank you for trying to help. My problem is I am not very tech savvy and I would not have a clue how to proceed with making these changes. Have a nice day.
Thank you all for trying to help me with these problems. What a great community this DAZ forum is, I am very grateful. However, I now, for some reason, have a white workspace so I need to persue that and try to correct it before I can proceed further. I do not have a clue as to how this has happened. I guess I have to accept these things as learning curves.
Thank you all again.
Did you just update DS? A white workspace usually means that DS was still shutting down in the background when the new version was installed - make sure DS has closed (check task manager), then uninstall and reinstall (this is one of the rare cases in which that is actually useful).
I wish to inspect the file path of a particular DAZ asset to enable me to edit the written information. I am trying to correct a 'Missing File'
Thank you.
Do you mean check a reference in a .duf file? If so, you can simply edit the file in a text editor. I use notepad++ for example.
You may need to uncompress the .duf file first if it was saved with file compression. IIRC compressed .duf use GZIP algorithm, 7zip works well to uncompress them for example.
Another typical path error is when the path starts with //Runtime instead of /Runtime (DS used to accept those but got picky at some point)
Thank you Leana. I have a 'missing' file issue with a medieval village image so it doesn't have some of it's content or colour. Someone else suggested editing the file in notebook++ but I don't know how to access that either. Sorrry if I appear a bit thick, I'm just not tech minded but I do try.
Thank you for your kindness.
Notepad++ is a free text editor that you can install on your system. It has quite a few useful features that you won't find in the basic Windows notepad app, like batch search or replace in multiple files, or comparing two files for example. It also handles big files better.
You can find it at notepad-plus-plus.org
Thank you again Leana, I will find the software and try it out.
Merry Christmas.
Hi Richard. No, I have not attempted an update, the white screen just happened. Mystery.
So how do I access the files and re-apply them after edit please?
As you likely know, Notepad is the basic text editor that has come with Windows for decades. Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement. You can download it at https://notepad-plus-plus.org . Notepad++ does all that Notepad does plus much more. I had been using Notepad to edit source code files when necessary but after learning about Notepad++ in a forum, I was amazed at the extra editing features that came with it. I’ll never go back to basic Notepad for editing source code files.
You can find many Notepad++ videos at YouTube by simply typing Notepad++ into the YouTube search box. Two such videos are
As with Notepad, you can open a file by simply dragging and droping a file onto Notepad++ and start using its editing features to make the changes that you need.
As Leana mentioned in your other thread on this topic, sometimes a duf file will be compressed. When you try to open it in Notepad or Notepad++ all that you see is unintelligible mess; see the first screen capture. If you uncompress the file with a program such a 7zip (also free at https://www.7-zip.org/download.html), and open the uncompressed file in Notepad++, you’ll have readable text as in the second screen capture. 7zip works on compressing most compressed files, but I have encountered some where it would not uncompress them.
Once you have edited a file, save it in the same location as the bad file. You need to save the edited file with its original name so that it works in the product that needs it. I make a copy of the original file before I start editing and then edit the original file. If I make a big mistake in the editing process, I can simply delete the file, rename the copied file to its original name and start the process again. I don’t have to correct Missing File errors often, but when I do, Notepad++ is a welcome partner.
Start small and learn how to use Notepad++ in small chunks.
i dislike onedrive very much because it highjacks files[not daz3d files] without me knowing about it until later!!!
yes you have been highjacked by onedrive:
Personally I always suggest use the standard function in DS to uncompress/compress *.duf / *.dsf, etc. via DS - Windows - Panes (Tabs) - Batch Convert...
Merged threads since they were very closely related.
Thanks! You've opened a window into a Daz Studio feature that I've never explored before and because so many features are not documented by DAZ3D, I might never have explored.
No problem ! I also learnt it from other guys. Let's gradually explore them ~ ~