Easy way to adjust line of sight for a figure
Sometimes in my pictures, I try to make a character look directly at an object or area in the picture. What I have been doing is trying to get my perspective view "inside" the object (a vase for instance) and then point at the face, zoom in and then try to orient the face and eyes to be looking right at me. It works okay but I was just wondering if there was a technique that works better out there. Thanks for any input :)
Try this free script
It isn't always perfect on the Genesis 2 and 3 figures, but it will get you close and you can make a fine adjustment with the parameters sliders for side movement of the eyes. You may also have to manually adjust the eyelids after posing the eyes with this script, it the eyes are looking drastically up or down. I created a custom action for the script and added an icon to my toolbar. Now it is simple to use it and pose the eyes. I use it all the time.
One way to do it is to select both eyes, then go to Create>New Null. If you have the dialogue collasped click the Show Options button. Set Target New Null with Selected Node(s) to point the yes at the Null, and check Create a Persistent Point At so that they will continue to point as you move the null around. That will give you a single node you can move around the scene to control where the eyes point.
Also, consider cheating. Sometimes things look better if characters aren't actually looking where you might expect them to. For example, two people next to each other, with their heads turned only slightly, would have to look waaaay to the side to see one another; moving their eyes part of the way there can convey that they are looking at each other, even though they aren't. If you see what I mean.