Total noob question about installing

Hi, I'm very new to DAZ and I am a bit confused about installing things. I Bought some Genesis 9 Essential things and they have been downloaded through the DAZ Install Manager. And I Do see the characters in DAZ studio. But then I on the "Products" Tab inside DAZ Studio that some "Products" have the "download icon"? (The c chaped ring with a downward arrow?)
And I can right click on the product and select "Installl" and then some process happens. Makes me a bit confused. Was the product downloaded via the DAZ Install Manager but not installed?
Or partially installed? Or what did happen? Because i could allready use (some) of the content of that product but it still had the option to be installed? This is so confusing for a newbie. >.<

This is a little confusing, unfortunately. Basically there are two ways of installing products systematically - either by Daz Install Manager (DIM) or within Daz Studio itself (Daz Connect). These two methods are not really compatible and so you should pick one to use exclusively.
If you would like to use DIM for your products and assets then you should uninstall the duplicate(s) from within Daz Studio and then make sure you always "Work Offline". If you ensure that you never log-in to your account within Daz then the install icons are no longer present.
If you would like to use Daz Studio itself (Daz Connect) then you should only use DIM for updates to the Daz Studio and CMS application itself and any plugins I think.
Some scripts also need to be instaleld through DIM as they are not written in a way that can cope with the different file paths.