I bought the bite marks bundle for Genesis 8 male and it's not working

When I tried to apply the bite mark base on the neck it made my character all see through when I tried to apply the make up to darken the material to see what it would look like it made parts of my character invisible as shown in the second picture. What am I doing wrong?? the version of Daz that I use is 4.12

bite marks trouble shooting 1.jpg
892 x 1042 - 124K

bite marks trouble shooting 2.jpg
892 x 1042 - 134K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Are you sure you added the "Bite Mark 8M Wound" geoshell as the first step and then had that selected rather than the G8M itself selected when adding the actual bitemark? Using this sequence works as expected on 4.22. If you apply the bite materials directly to the figure then it will mess with the existing material and cause transparency oddness.
Moved to Technical Help as it is a content question, not a Daz Studio application question.
Thank you for that sugesstion problem solved