Multiple Smoothing Modifiers? [RESOLVED]

Is it possible to create 2 or more smoothing modifiers to ineract with a single object? I have Ghost Dynamics but can you create a scenerio in which two figures both seperately interact with one sofa or bed without Ghost dynamics? So far I can only have one figure create indentation on a bed, but why not two? Cheers.
Post edited by OminousAutumn on
I don't know if it would work, but you could try grouping two figures and setting the group as the collision item.
Jay Versluis has a tutorial on the subject:
A simple way ~
With Collision Item set to Figure A, export sofa / bed to OBJ file and import as a "sitting morph for figure A" with Morph Loader Pro, dial it. Then set the Collision Item to Figure B. In this way, you can make multiple "morphs" on sofa / bed for multiple figures...rather than "merging figures".
I tried this and had no luck. Thank you for the suggestion :)
Awesome thank you.