I could have sworn I saw a 6-leg morph for the Horse...

I cannot at all seem to find this morph, but I swear I saw it somewhere in the DAZ store. It was to add some extra legs to the DAZ horse.

Since I am on the topic, how hard is it to modify an existing creature so much as to add a new pair of legs? o.o I have been curious for a while, especially for a figure that needs movement.


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    What we saw was a 6 legged horse in one of the promo ads when the horse itself first came out. The additional morph never happened - something to do about its legs kept falling off.

  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    It really depends on the final use and how closely you need it in the final renders. There has been quite a bit of success making centaurs and the like by fusing a human figure and a horse. You could try loading two horses and hide all of the geometry in one until you only have a set of legs and then attempt to place the legs where they look servicable and parent to the main horse. Of course this won't be entirely anatomically correct but you have a fair bit of flexibility with a 6 legged horse anyway. This made me think of Slepnir which of coarse had/has eight legs.

    Post edited by Design Anvil - Razor42 on
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