Can't Find Morph Slider

I have a G9 figure that I can't find a morph slider for. I dug through the installation files as well and I can't seem to find a morph anywhere. It loads in as a full body (head and body), but when I go to currently used, there's no shaping sliders there. I'm totally at a loss as I was hoping to locate the body morph to separate it from the head. Any thoughts?
*edit* I was able to find it under hidden, but it seems to be locked and I can't slide it from 100%.
Post edited by MelissaGT on
Is this a morph applying when it shouldn't, or a moprh you want to apply but can't?
You may try to unlock the slider, and set its default value to 0 in Parameter Settings.
Or you may directly export this G9 figure (with this slider 100% dialed) to OBJ file with Base resolution. Then load a G9 Dev Load and use G9 HeadSplit dFormer (in the folder: your DAZ3D Library\People\Genesis 9\Developer Kit\) to split head & body morph with Morph Load Pro, by importing the saved OBJ file. (Jay's tut - )
Then save the head and body morph assets (Adjust Rigging to Shape and ERC Freeze need to be done first)...
I tried doing adjust rigging to shape but the skeleton is still wonky compared to the skeleton that loads when I load the custom character.
It is a G9 character that loads with its own morph applied. Normally I would be able to find the morph that is controlling the full body shape (body plus head) and then dial it out and back in...but the morph is a hidden property and it appears to be locked at 100%. The lock icon isn't indicating it is locked, but I can't move the something else is controlling it, but I can't find that something else.
Click that cog icon on the right of slider, see if there's a value of 100% in Min... if so, zero it.
Weird... ARTS usually works well though it's not 100% accurate... But you may check it with a couple of poses... though the rigging looks wonky on some character, it may not necessarily mean it is wrong...
That was it! That feels silly to have that set to a min of 100%. I only wish I could load a blank figure and then add that morph to it, but because it's hidden I suppose that's the reason? I do have show hidden selected so I can see clones and whatnot, but that morph isn't in the list on a blank figure.
I'll have to give that a shot tomorrow. Would I be able to transfer the rigging from the custom figure over to the blank G9 with the imported morph?
Hidden by design... haha~ You may just uncheck Hidden in that cog icon.
Sure thing~ but you don't have to do so. First try Adjust Rigging to Shape after splitting head / body morphs...
It may be hidden and 100% by design, for example so that some other properpty can be subtracted from it in another morph to give an inverted value. I suspect that making it 0 is actually going to break something elsewhere. Whata re its subcomponents, from the Parameter Settings dialogue, and what are its exact name and label?
Nothing broke - moving it to zero just brought it back to the base G9 body.