Transition to Enhanced DIM When Daz Central Still Works but Shows most products Uninstalled

I know this discussion has been touched upon but i would love to have a little clarification. About the timre it was discontinued DAZ Central went through a period when it wouldn't load properly but now when preparing to delete it to rely upon the enhanced DIM, it spools up and works as always with the exception that only the few products installed in the new DIM show up as installed in Central. I was able to install a product through Central as before.
The problem is that nothing shows as installed except the products recently installed on DIM
DIM shows only these recently installed products. Everything else shows ready to download.
If i uninstall Central, will the products show up as installed in DIM? Never had conflicts with products in both DIM and Central, but that was with the old DIM.
I need to iuninstall a few products in MY Daz Library to shuffle space on a smallish hardrive but neither has the option to uninstall as everytrhing in central and DIN shows as uninstalled except the few recently added.
I'm sure it's a simple matter but I'd rather ask first.....
Thanks in advance!
Central usually shares the same config as DIM and so there shouldn't be a difference - although I believe the service for Central has been shut down and so when firing that up I wouldn't be suprised for it to be reporting incorrect info. If you have a mismatch with what is installed it's usually when using Daz Connect (installing within Daz Studio itself) alongside one of the others that this occurs.
Strictly speaking it isn't that the service has been terminated, since that is used by DIM too, but rather than Daz Central is/will no longer (be) allowed to log-in ecept to get the latest DIM since the API can and wuill change in response to various factors.
Thanks Sofa and Kent!