Thanks Daz!

Daz crashed my machine yesterday, completely hammered the GPU driver, skewed all of my graphics settings, and destroyed my Blender performance as well. Twenty four hours later, I'm almost done cleaning up the mess. Twenty four hours of lost productivity. It's bad enough when a program is crash prone, but when it takes system settings and software down with it, yikes. That's public-horse-whippable in terms of egregiousness.
No reply necessary. I'm sure it would mostly be people jumping to Daz's defense and questioning my heritage. Just letting you fine folks at Daz Studio know that you are not paying enough attention to detail.Stop breaking people's stuff with your software.
Good morning, by the way :)
do you actually know what it was specifically in the code in DAZ studio that caused your issues?
not defending DAZ but if I do something extreme in any program I can crash my graphics driver
done it with Blender too
what is really the question is why did it affect all the other stuff, is your card overclocked or something because unless I underclock mine I can easily crash my entire PC getting a blackscreen
because my power supply is inadequate, A1111 Stable Diffusion is the worst culprit for that
A system crash requires a driver or hardware failure. Daz Studio may hae stressed the system enough to trigger that, or it (or most likely Iray) might have used an obscure feature that tripped the driver, but it would not be able to cause it in its own right.
Not defending Daz either, I never do that... As others mentioned, pls check other behaviors / settings as well. For instance, overlock. It's very easy for me to reproduce quite a few issues if I set the frequency to a certain value...let's say 39.50 GHz, then when I manipulate figure's pose, DS crashes. When I render in Blender with Cycles, Blender crahes. When I set up a graph in Faceform Wrap by using a FastWrapNode, Wrap crashes.
Another case, if there's a mess with Nvidia Driver resulting from driver uninstallation / reinstallation among old / new drivers for times, it may bring you BSOD when rendering with DS. I encountered such an issue years ago. After I used DDU to 100% clean Nvidia drivers and residuals, and install a fresh new driver version, everything was fine...
Just for your reference... and good morning!
Are you using a newer Nvidia driver with sysMem enabled for DS? Not just asking for a friend.
I updated my BIOS when I saw there was a vuln. Also manually updated AMD CPU drivers. Now everything is snappy. Only time I almost broke DAZ Studio was when I when I was not overwriting changes to a charater in MLP. Only time I crashed Blender I think I was well over 150 mil poly/tri count. Maybe try cleaning DS in a Big Bath at Anatopalia?
And a good morning to you too Causam