View Controls Not Working Properly

When I am using the Scene Navigator Tool (including pressing Shift + K), the WASD, QE, AD, and ZXC all move the camera forward.
The keyboard shortcuts are set to default, and all appear correct in the Customize menu.
I have tried setting the movement keys to a different key. I have renamed Customications.dsx so that a default can be created. I have restarted the application and my PC. I have reinstalled keyboard drivers.
Nothing works. Any suggestions?
It is working for me, so I don't know why yours would misbehave. Your two troubleshooting steps are the ones I would have tried. I assujme the jeys work as expected in othe applications/games.
Have you tried "Clear Keyboard Shortcut" first, save Preferences, then "Defaut Keyboard Shortcut" ? If not, just try one Action, see if it works or not...