One item in cart showing

in The Commons
Why when adding items to my cart is one only showing when I go to pay?...This has been happening a few days now and I am getting a little fed up with it.
Are you using Edge browser?
If so try another, e.g Chrome or Firefox.
Thank you felis, I think the problem is this end as the items are now showing...This has been happening on/off these last few days :(
The problem is the Edge browser.
The problem is supposed to be fixe as of last night - are you still seeing this? Try a forced refresh of your browser (ctrl-shift-r) and if it is still an issue after than please let us know.
Not happy
Using Edge? Have you done a forced reload, ctrl-shiff-r?
Have tried your suggestion with no luck and this has been going on for about 2 weeks... The only way I can get an item to purchase is to put it in my Wishlist 1st, locate it and press the shopping cart button. If the product opens before I buy it it shows in the temporary cart but never gets there... I have tried clearing my history as well as my cookies with no resolution and this does not occur with any other website I buy from - only DAZ 3D. Any idea what has changed with DAZ to cause this to happen??
Also, todays punchcard free item - Saba'a AlKair Poses - is showing @ $4.99 instead before my daily discount.
This finally worked for me. What a pain in the rump!