I got a new computer and want the content library on my D:/ drive not my C:/

I got DIM and went to advanced and switched "content database base" to point to D:/DAZ 3D folder I made on my D drive and downloaded and installed 1 of my 800 files and it downloaded to my C drive "Users/public Documents/my daz 3d library/
How on earth do I get all the models to download to my D drive? I don't want gigs of stuff on my C:/ drive? I'm starting from scatch and don't need to move stuff around I just want to start this off correct on this new computer.
You need to set the Installation path - the database path is where the content database is placed, whichs tores information about the isntalled and user-genrateed content, not the content itself. The paths for content are set in the lower half of the instalaltion tab - click the + and thens et the path you want. You also need to tell Daz Studio where the content is - Edit>Preferences, go to the Content tab, click Content Directory Manager, and edit the paths for Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats to match the setting in DIM (or just download http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/file_io/install_manager_config_import/start and drag the file into the Daz Studio Viewport).
scatch that it didnt work.
Ok I reinstalled DIM and when the window comes up to install core items I unchecked everything and went straight to the advanced settings and changed everything over to the D:/ drive. Then I downloaded the core components. Otherwise it starts installing things on the C:/ drive without me being able to redirect it to the D:/ drive.
You can uncheck the option to show the core components list so it won't keep coming up.