Seeking an Egyptian Temple with a row of Ram Sphinxes Daz had for sale at one time

Hi. I'm developing a large project in Daz and I need help. I'm seeking an Egyptian Temple with a row of Ram Sphinxes Daz had for sale at one time.
It could have been awhile back. I can't remember. I've checked all I can think of but it's not showing up in my Daz searches. I've seemingly tried every search... Egypt, Egyptian temple, temple, pyramid, sand, ram, ram sphinx, sphinx, egyptian sphinx, you get the picture. I can't remember the name of it.
Things are close, like Egyptian Ancient Temple or Egyptian Fantasy Bath House but these are not it.
Here is a picture that is almost identicle to the row of ram sphinxes Daz had in their scene.
If anyone can find it, I'd appreciate the help. I've searched on everything I can think of.

This one has rams. Can you use sandstone shaders on it?
I have to go to work, so I can't look further right now. Did you try desert, Cairo, Nile, oasis, Luxor, Giza, anything obscure like that? It looks very familiar.
I tried almost all of those, Luxor, Nile, Oasis. I'll try the others.
This does have a ram sphinx. If I can't find the other whole set, I might be able to make this one work. But the other one came with a much larger set than this one from my memory.
I tried all but Giza, since it pulls up 9500+ products. I'll have to alot a large amount of time for that one. :(
Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio topic.
This is a very old poser set but there is a ram in it.
I'm thinking the DAZ set is either not in store any more or has some crazy name. I'm not finding anything, even with obscure search terms.
various statues
Thanks guys for all of your help!
I think you are right sassyazzca. It could be too old of a product and gone or under a very different name.
You may wish to peek at sketchfab.