Can anyone recommend a batch image file conversion tool - not Photoshop?

I'm looking desperately for a batch image-file conversion tool to create preview JPGs or PNGs from my HDRI files.
It needs to:
1) support HDR and EXR files as input
2) recursively process multiple subdirectories in my HDRI main directory
3) allow me to select the output file format (JPG or PNG) and resolution - e.g., 600x300 pixels
4) write the resulting output files to the same subdirectory where each source file is found
5) allow control of overwriting of any exising JPG or PNG preview files
6) absolutely preserve the input EXR and HDR files
I have tried IrfanView's current version, but it won't let you specify HDR files as input files in its batch conversion mechanism.
I have tried Affinity Photo - the current version, 2.3.0 as of the date of this forum post - and it won't accept HDR files as inputs in *its* batch file converter, either.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
try XnView MP
Thank you! I'll give that a shot...
Personally I recommend XnView MP -
Lite, Fast, Free and 500 image formats supportive (exr, hdr, hdri, for sure...), with very strong funtionality of Batch Conversion, having nearly 100 preset Actions (incl. Resize..) you may choose and define in the process of conversion.
Pls try if you're interested.
Edit: This forum.... each time I saw nobody posted so I posted, then I saw someone had already posted, hahaha ~
XnViewMP worked like a champ! It was exactly what I needed.
Thanks to both of you for suggesting it.
That looks interesting - I'm glad I happened on this thread!
I started doing quick (small) renders in 360 view of my HDRs to create an easily-visible index, but that was taking me ages (I have a lot of HDR sets). This should help a lot.