Two characters with same name

in The Commons
It had to happen with Daz selling so many characters but up to now I haven't had a name conflict. But now I've got two Laras for Genesis 8 female, one by Thorne and one by Anain and Belladona. It confused the custom cagegory system, Studio said the new Lara was already in a category. I tried to add her to her own category but it just shows the orginal Lara there twice instead. The preset to load the figure would have overwritten the original but I've got them in two different Studio libraries. I don't expect there will be any other problems but I haven't tried using her yet.
As long as the name could be differentiated... one is Lara HD, correct?
When the assets have the same name, I usually make a copy of each and rename them. Install one, copy and rename the file, then you can copy the metadata from the original (before it gets overwritten by the other). Install the second, rename it and copy metadata also, so that any future installs will not overwrite it again. If the paths also conflict, it is a little trickier.
Yes, the second one is Lara HD but the .duf file to load the figure is just called Lara without the HD. Normally Daz HD characters do have HD in the name of the file but she hasn't.
As Northof45 said, yeah, at least the file paths should have no conflict. I don't have them but, technically as an alternative, you may Rename it from "Lara.duf" to "Lara HD.duf" in Content Library. It won't impact metadata.
I must say, I found it a bit questionable when Daz let someone else name their character Lara when Thorne already had one out by that name. It's no big deal, but I can see the confusion.
I would cautiously say: more likely there was no such a check....or I assume they also have a cms database... if there was no big issue, OKAY, Lara - 78472, you're free to go ~~