Thank you, DAZ and PAs!

in The Commons
I haven't worked since 2022, and already this month I have gotten the most content I have been able to get in a long while. Thank you. This year (especially the latter half of last week) has been especially rough, and this has been a nice distraction.
You are right my friend!
The HOLIDAZ DEALS alone... Damn... Thank's to all PA's that make my christmas a real one this year! I'm not into Christmas in general, so no gifts or even a tree for me. Don't need it. But man, guys you are great! Please more of these kind of gifts. I will get them all for sure! ( least if they are real world compatible or mythics, goths, magics)
A really BIG thank you from me to you guys! You make my day, every day! (...also thanks for the nice little free gifts and the calendar!)
A huge THANK YOU to DAZ and all the PAs who are making freebies available every day during this period, creating a Christmas atmosphere!
Yup, another big thanks to the PA's and all for the free items