FPE Fantasy Scarification Face Tattoos Geoshell for Genesis 9 Troubleshooting

Hey guys! Okay not sure what I am doing wrong but for some reason when I try to apply any of the tattoos from this set to my Gen9 figure, nothing happens. Yes I applied the geoshell. Any ideas?



  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120
    edited December 2023
    Hi! Thanks for your purchase. Without screenshots or more detail it's hard to troubleshoot. Ta thing to consider is that some of the tattoos, like the emission, will not be visible in viewport. You will need to iray preview to visualize it. If that's not it, please provide a rundown of the process so I can better advice on where it might have gone wrong.
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • Also, just in case, the Lie masks and material presets should be applied for the to the geoshells, not the character. The only time you should have your character selected is to apply one of the geoshell wearables.
  • Here's a screenshot 

    Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 7.44.21 PM.png
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  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120
    edited December 2023

    OK, so it is the glow shell.

    1. The product includes several offset presets. Try applying the one called: Glow 02.2 Offset On Skin. Then iray preview to see if the glow is there.
    2. If it still doesn't appear, then make sure you add a lie mask (select the geoshell, then apply a LIE Mask).
    3. If the mask is there but the glow is still not showing, increase the emission intensity via one of the supplied presets.
    4. If that still fails to show, you can either decrease the light in your scene or manually increase the emission intensity even more.
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • Tried all that - still nothing

    Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 11.27.11 AM.png
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  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120
    edited December 2023

    Please select the Glow shell > then the head surface. Scroll to the cutout opacity. Is the map there only black? If so, you haven't yet applied a LIE Mask so no design will show up until you do (check the attachment for visualization). Remember, the process is:

    1. Apply the Glow Shell to your character.
    2. Select the Glow Shell and apply a color.
    3. Apply the On Skin Offset (to ensure the glow will show). You can change this later on.
    4. Apply the Emission Highest (again just to ensure it's showing; you can change it later).
    5. Go to the LIE Mask folder, with the glow selected, and apply one of the FPE FFSTF 03 LIE Masks. Remember to have the Glow Shell Selected before applying!

    I'm also attaching a screenshot of the instructions included in the product, which goes over the process as well. Please detail the process you're following since the screenshot alone still tell me where the application might've gone wrong...

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    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
  • I followed your instructions and some of the designs work and some do not. Here is a pic https://photos.app.goo.gl/9AJhk58w2q7ju8fg6 (daz wont upload the screenshot anymore of course). So neck and head designs work fine, but nose, mouth, chin do not. Please note that the eye design that I have on her right now is from another scarification set. But you see the neck red design? Works fine, however when I try the nose design - nothing happens. 

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120
    edited December 2023

    That is strange. I just checked the product, and everything is working as it should on my end (see attached), which means that something may be going on your end.

    Some things to check:

    • Please check whether you have the corresponding mask in your runtime (see second attachment for reference on the path).
    • If you don't see it, try uninstalling and reinstalling the product to see if all the textures are downloaded correctly.
    • When you apply the Nose LIE, do you get an error (missing textures, for example)? Or do you get no error it simply doesn't appear?
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    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
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