Male clothing question
I think I know the answer to this already but I'll ask just to be safe. There are Martial Arts outfits for G2 Men and women but for the mens, it comes with different color belts. Womens only has black. If i purchase the Mens outfit set, would I be able to apply the belts or uniform to women as well? I'm guessing not because they seem to be gender specific but it would be nice to have those color options for my female characters as well. Thanks in advance!
Don't own the set to check, it would depend upon what the areas were named and whether or not the template matters.
You should be able to create whatever colours schemes you want for the lady's belt though. Save the result as a "materials preset".
I can create color schemes? How?!
"How" depends upon how much work/time you're willing to spend on it.
The fastest and sometimes just fine way is to simply change the colours on the dials of the Surface Tab. Spot render to be sure of real colour. One can apply images if the mesh was uvmapped [should be, if it isn't all one gets is a solid colour]. Brand new in the store is a welcome product to add a "color picker" to D/S [for windows only] ... or one can use a free utility such as: ColorPix. Once a desired result is achieved: File > save as materials preset ... recommended to be saved in a sub-folder for the item in question possibly in a folder with your handle on it [prevents overwrite issues].
For example: My Library > People > Genesis > clothing > name of clothing > mats > your handle > .....
The "little more" work method involves using an image editor such as G.I.M.P. or PSP or Photoshop or somesuch that works with "layers". Bring in all the template images [normally found via manual download in the Product library on the appropriate product's page]. Then using such a program, make "texture images". Save the nice ones to a location under Runtime > textures > your handle > ....
Then in D/S, load the mesh, apply the new texture image(s), tweak the settings as desired and Save the Material Preset.
Then there's the "most of us have yet to master this route method" but man shaders are fun ... check out the [it's free] ... and learn how to make some basic shaders. The beauty of shaders is that they can be applied to "any' surface. Material presets are limited to a particular item(s).
There are also lots of "colour wheels" to help sort out which colours work best together such as this one:
Great info! Thanks. I'm not sure the first method will work in this particular case though. As the Jacket/Belt is one item. If I change the colors in the surface tab, I think it will alter both pieces since they came together.
Not necessarily.
As you learn your way around the program, and the various products you can bring into DAZ Studio, you'll become more familiar with 'material zones'. These are groups of polygons in the mesh that are identified by a name; for example, 'Belt'. This way, the part of the object that constitutes the 'belt' can be 'shaded' independently of the rest of the object. They can have a different color, texture, or even be made transparent, either through fiddling with the 'Opacity' slider, or using transparency maps.
Check out some of the downright scandalous variations on the Morphing Fantasy Dress that have been created!
Ken, Patience...
Spot on. I was working with it last night and was in the Surfaces tab for another reason and I noticed there was a seperate adjustment for belts. And I was able to change the colors with just a tiny bit of exploreing. I swear, when i got into this I thought it would be kind of easy. Then I was positive I would never get it but now, it's just fun!! There really is endless possibilites with Daz and everytime I open it up I learn something new. A month ago I struggled to get my character out of T-Pose and now I'm moving through it with ease. These boards area a god send.