Script to remove "Reality Scene Data" virus.

Can someone please write a script to remove all the reality scene data from our scene libraries?
For those of us who don't even have the reality render engine, all that reality scene data is just a big memory wasting nuicence.
I bet Code66 (Totte) could do that in a flash.
And so we chant "Code66! Code66! Code66!..."
What reality scene data are you referring to? I used to use reality before Iray, but I don't see anything having to do with reality since I stopped using it.
Check out this forum thread for the reality scene data problem I'm talking about:
Just don't add an extra 6 by mistake.
"If you're 555 then I'm six, six, six!" ~Slipknot, the band we had never heard of that stole the audience from the main stage at Ozfest back in the day. I'll never forget walking towards that hypnotic repeating woman's voice. "The whole thing I think is sick. The whole thing I think is sick. The whole thing I think is sick." What on earth is going on over there? My girlfriend thought the clown was the cutest thing in the world. Good times.
I am guessing you are loading something saved with Reality Scene data included because you would not be seeing it otherwise
did you save lots of scenes using Reality and are now revisiting those old scenes or is this some freebie with it?
understanding where this data came from in the first place is
if it's hard to load using compare in Notepad++ might help you find and delete it
Some scene I downloaded, could have been free. I don't remember. I have never obtained nor used Reality render engine.
I actually did use notepad to delete reality scene data the first time I discovered it. Like 600 instances of such data.
But this forum informed me of the much faster method for deleting reality scene data, which is to save the contaminated scene as a scene subset. And if I want it to be a regular scene again, then save the scene subset as a regular scene.
Now I want a script to do all that form me for every scene in my library.