Poser Convert - Easy(?) Questions


Question 1) What do I have to keep backed-up so that if my O.S. needs to be reloaded, I can reinstall DAZ Studio and my content as if nothing happened? My DAZ 3D Library obviously, but what else? DIM's Manifest, or...?

Question 2) One of the reasons I'm jumping ship is because of Poser's wose-than-horrid Library system. Right now I have about 40 Multiple Poser Runtimes, but I'm thinking of spending the time to consolidate everything into one runtime, so I can then point DAZ's Content Manager at it. Tes? No?

Question 3) Is it really nessessary to save the downloaded packages after installation? I have 100mbps Up & Down should I need to get things again, Keeping them doesn't seem like a big timesaver; just a space waster.

Question 4) Any tips that you DAZ veterns can think of that you think would've been nice to know when you first started out?

Thanks Bunches!


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    1.   I would not backup the DS program itself, but download the latest version and install it.   That way everything will be installed correctly.   If you think that you may need the version you are using again at a later date, just keep the DIM backup copy in that case so that it is always available to you, redownloading from your Product Library will always get you the latest version of DS no matter what one listed is.   

    The content and program are two completely different issues, and the one should not affect the other.   You could backup your My Library folder, and any Poser Runtime folders that you have, and reuse them, and the content bought from the store here should be available from your Product Library.   If you backup C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager that should cover you for DIM.

    2.   You can have several Poser runtime folders inside the DS Content Library  as well, but, yes, you can consolidate them, and then at some stage in the future you can use the Categories inside DS to make the content more easily found.

    3.   It is not necessary to keep the downloaded ZIP files if you are short of space.   DAZ Install Manager (DIM) has an option in the 'Ready to Install' tab which allows 'Delet Package Once Installed'.

    4.   I am sure others will chime in about this, there is nothing glaringly obvious that I can think of at the moment, but please feel free to start a new thread for any specific questions that you may have.

  • Jimmy-

    You lost me. I realize that the DAZ Studio 4X and MY Library asre seperate entities as far as backing up.

    Senario. A gass leak blows my computer out the livingroom window. Luckilly I have a backup of MyLibrary, I reload it, point the freshly downloaded and installed DAZ Studio at it...and there are all my products, and they work seemlessly with DIM again- 'X' number showed installed, 'X' number can be deleted.. What in DIM do I have to save to have both my libraries content AND DIM play together afain? JUST the DIM Manifest?


    Secondly, how do I use catagories within DAZ Studio to make sense of all thse Poser Runtimes that I import?

    Thanks again


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    I would just backup the entire C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager  folder, except for the Downloads if you have any, and that should keep DIM right (I think)   Maybe someone else who has done this will chip in here.

    Secondly, how do I use catagories within DAZ Studio to make sense of all thse Poser Runtimes that I import?

    Have a look at this:

    Creating new Categories by AdamR

    If you plan on using that, you will need to make sure that you backup your db files from the Content Library drop-down menu (UserData).   It is under Content DB Maintenance.   Before you do too much work on it, just pop into the forums and make sure that you know what you are doing, so that you wont lose any data.

  • Thanks Jimmylaugh

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447

    With respect to Item 2, I know exactly where you're coming from!  I once had to juggle about twenty Poser runtimes, but after some serious dragging-and-dropping, I managed to get the number down to eight; that's a number that I'm comfortable with.

    The reason I still maintain several runtimes, is because both Poser and DAZ Studio need to read the hierarchies in order to display the content -- or, at least, the references and links to the content.  Poser does this by iterating through the library hierarchy itself; DAZ does it through the content database.  Either way, the process takes time.  And, the larger the library, the more time it takes.  (For example, there are more than 400 top-level entries in my Generation 4->Props library in Poser.  Fully half of them are MATs.  To get to something that starts with, say, 'R', I have to scroll, then pause while the display catches up, scroll again, pause again, repeat as nessesary, until a) I finally get to the item I'm searching for, or b) I'm ready to open a vein!  If I only had one runtime, the situation would just be that much worse!

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