Which Binary is the best for FBX export?

Which Binary is the best for FBX export?
So many choices I see 2011 and 2014 used a lot, why not use the latest 2020?
What is the difference in these export methods?
How do I set the FBX export so I get the best textures?
Do I collapse, do I bake, do I embed, collect?
Post edited by RexRed on
That'll depend on the target software that you're gonna use to import FBX file. AutoDesk provides FBX SDK with which the developers uses to develop the software. For instance, if you export a 2020 FBX format but the target software was developed with 2016 FBX SDK, then the "new feature" of 2020 format cannot be recognized...even it'll show you the error msg. Therefore using older format is just to assure some better "compatibility".
The change log / features of each version coulb be found in here - https://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2020/ENU/?guid=FBX_Developer_Help_welcome_to_the_fbx_sdk_html
DS started to use FBX SDK 2020.2 since Oct. of last year, so it can export 2020 Binary / Ascii formats. The latest versions of most leading / popular 3D software were developed with 2020.x, so you may feel free to use 2020 format. If there is any issue with some software, then downgrade the version when exporting.
As for assuring best textures, the default "Embed" is good enough... the original texture maps are fully compressed and saved within FBX file. When FBX is imported by the FBX importer, the original tex. maps will be fully uncompressed to TEMP folder, as long as FBX file is not corrupted.
The only issue is that FBX format cannot export all tex. maps even if you tick Collect option, (Normal, Bump, Roughness, etc...), you still have to manually "collect and assign" them...
This is an amazingly helpful response Crosswind! I thank you very much for taking the time to reply in such a detailed and thoughtful way!
Much thanks indeed!
Have the best holidays and New Year!

You're welcome buddy ! Have a nice weekend !