non-DAZ advent calendars

the two or more past years, there always was a thread in december listing advent calendars from other sites - apart from fantasy attic - like software sites, 3d forums etc. i searched the forum here in vain, didn't see any thread of the kind... is it me, or is there none (yet)? pity, little door #1 will be doomed tomorrow..
EDIT - links
Der Heise Adventskalender 2023 (german)
Post edited by manekiNeko on
There used to be the one at Rendo, of course, but it was already a bit out of sync last year, and I'm not hearing a whisper about it at all atm. Does anyone have any other news?
Anyway, thanks for starting this thread!
Some of the links from THIS THREAD still work - some you need to change the url to point at this year, others maybe dead
ah thanks! i delete my bookmarks for advent stuff every year in january - and the way our dear forum works, i'd have to scroll 100 times to get a thread from 2021 or even 2022 with the string "advent" , with every single huge post and every single huge image in-between in full detail, lol...
np, someone had to ^^
This one is current but must be downloaded and registered on the day, if I recall correctly.
Also current. Requires registration.
Middle of the page. Requires adding to cart.
I used to start this kinda thread in the past years (mainly before 2022), but as I do have less time available nowadays to 'hunt' everything down, no separate thread from me this time......
Remember some of the offerings may only be available for 24 hours - and end according to the time-zone the site is in that is offering them. (This is especially true for the software offerings. The software offered may also need to be registered the same day it is offered...)
Heads Up: The Renderosity "12 Days of Christmas Giveaway" begins today. New items each day but only available for that one day.
Not really a freebie...
but get ready to track Santa
Official NORAD Tracks Santa (