No holiday reward with Lightning Deals?

in The Commons
I bought one of the Lightning Deals items for 3,39€, but it didn't gave me a reward. I cant' even open my advent calendar now, i'm sad.
Is this a bug or do Lightning Deal items don't count? I can't find any info, it just says it has to be an order with 1$ or above.
The punch discount is already taken into account on the price shown for the Lightning Deals items
When did you make that purchase? Purchasing something over 1$ gives you a punch the next day, not immediately.
Oh, I thought it comes immediately with the purchase, I bought it today. Then there probably is no November 30th on my calendar.
Anyway, thanks for the info!
Well the upside is that you'll get a calendar item tomorrow. Today's calendar doesn't seem to work properly for a lot of people anyway.