The mesh collapses when exported with fbx.

No matter which model of human body you use, if you import costumes, anatomy, etc. together, the mesh on the human body side will collapse.
Anatomy models cannot be imported as their meshes will collapse as well.
The image was exported with DazToBlender, but the same phenomenon occurs when exporting with fbx alone.
The mesh does not collapse when exporting as obj without a rig, so the weights of the rig bones may be the problem.
I'm looking for a solution.
This seems to be an issue with the latest daz Studio. The chnage log shows a number of actions relevant to FBX in the last build or so, we may hope that the next release (a Public Build at least is apparently planned in December for Face Transfer 2) will resolve the problem.
Thank for bringing this issue up, the same thing is happening for me. At first I thought it was just Daz to Blender, but when I tried to import just as an fbx model, I got the same probalems., with the listed chnages, is now available as a Public Build.
thank you.
Improvements were confirmed in BATA version Public Build