the final upgrade for me

in The Commons
on back friday i got a 12 tb hard drive and RTX 24090 and i can finally render at faster
i got lucky at best buy they had 2
Welcome time traveler. In which century did you find an RTX 24090?
Or am I still stuck in this decade and everybody else has moved on.
Or is there really such a beast, and I'm just lost in mental fog.
I think there was a typo and $24,090 was actually the cost in US dollars.
I almost bought one too... you have to use the drop down menu and find Alternate Universe Products near the bottom...
but, yeah it was $24,090... It was $90 more than I was willing to pay.
But that's in futurecash, which is worth much less than current currency. If you open an account with TimePayout and deposit $20 in gold at today's prices, it should have covered that extra $90 easily.
That genuinely sounds like the way corporate news dummies are trying to explain how somehow we are only experiencing a 3% or 7% inflation rate that inexplicably makes items somehow twice what they were a year ago. I think your proposal is the part of their Magic Math that nobody is explaining.
I love all you wiseasses.
They mean RTX 4090 at a their local Best Buy; they had 2 in stock.
Most definitely, but as the resident obnoxious numbskull, it's my sworn duty to make merriment from whatever is available by way of facetious humor... or whatever passes for humor.
Congratulations on the OP's purchase, but I was hoping that the RTX-24090 was real and I could have finally built a holodeck in my garage.
OK, I get the impression this forum is like when I played baseball a few times in Switzerland, one game in particular. At that game, on one side of the field was an insane asylum and on the other side of the field was a refugee asylum, and finally we playing the baseball game had to share the field with a bunch of donkeys. Absolutely strange.
..but imagine the power draw. (and monthly bill)
Going by how NVIDIA is inflating the prices each generation, there isn't enough money in the world to afford their card by the time 24090 series are out....
But I checked out the "Alternate Universe Products" option on the menu (as pointed out by McGyver), and found a ZPM from some alternate place in the Andromeda galaxy, for 499 megaGlokins (~$1759). That should provide enough energy for my holodeck and a small country if necessary. I was worried about shipping but I chatted with the local representative. He said that It would be shipped as soon as the transaction reaches them.
12tb? is this internal?
No. Hard drives don't work well inside body cavities. I imagine it's inside a computer.
I do apologise for the levity, goes with the earlier part of the thread.
Regards, Richard.
To be fair, there are people smuggling SSDs and M.2 drives into some countries in various body cavities. However, a 4090 is not something most people can smuggle in such a manner. O.O
it might be why it's their final upgrade
Crazy! Also, if you wonder why winter clothing puff jackets and such are popular with a certain niche even in warm climates, it's not to stay safe & warm.