pink object after iray render II

This discussion was created from comments split from: pink object after iray render.


  • I have jus built a new drive and installed daz 4.22 pro. everything is pink when rendered. no firewall or antivirus installed. so there is more going on here.

  • Iray has recently chnaged the code library it uses for image handling, in part because of the issue with false positives referred to in the previous thread. The new library is not coping with the compression method used by many of flipMode's .exr files, and I expect it is one of those you are using to light the scene. Flipmode has sent updates to Daz, using a different compression method, but they are not yet available to download - in the meantime you can open the .exr file and resave it - many image editors will do the job, including GIMP, Affinity Photo, and Photoshop.

  • If the programs you have won't let you open the .exr file (mine won't), you can convert them online to .hdr files instead at 

    Instructions here:

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