Moonlight Diner Poses
Just purchased the moonlight diner and accessories to learn how to use Daz. I know you all will think I'm silly, but how do you get an actor to sit in a chair etc. I can get the poses, but how do I attatch them to a certain char or stool? How do I put someone behind a counter etc? Thanks for helping.
Is this what you bought :
The poses are for the 'figure' not the chair, and the compatible figure is Genesis (although the poses may well work well with other figures too) Load the figure, make sure that it is selected in the Scene pane, apply the pose, and then move the character to the place that you want it.
There are several ways to move a figure to where you want it, the Translate tool is probably the easiest (Alt+Shift+T) Use the arrows to move the figure where you need it to go. You could also try some of the interactive tutorials available through the Help Menu to get used to the program.
Yes I bought that and a slue of other Moonshine diner stuff ~ gosh they were dirt cheap. Thought it would be a good package to learn with. Gosh, I have Adobe Master Suite CS6, just found DAZ 3D ~ I LOVE it. I never really got into 3D before, it is so addictive :) I have the Michael 6 Pro package. I tried to use Logan from that. Maybe I need to get Genesis?? THANKS JimmyC I will try what you suggest.
Thank you KA1 for the tips. I appreciate the input. This 3D is so wicked awesome
DAZ Forums is such a friendly place, everyone here seems so helpful. I am excited about learning all I can.
I second the recommendation to go PC+. Mine paid for itself the first day and hasn't stopped saving me a ton of money since.
I did get PC+
I purchased all the Moonshine stuff, because they were dirt cheap, just to practice with and learn DAZ. But gosh, it made me spend more LOL
Has anyone ever had this happen? Parts of my guy disappeared.
Well, I think I'm gaining on it. I got them to sit in a booth. Now to get them to hold a bottle of soda or something. THX everyone for helping. Still have so much to learn, but it is fun! I have to find my starter female now.
He is hidden. Look at the left of the highlighted line that says "Genesis 2 male". The eye is closed. That means hidden. Click on the closed eye, it becomes open: visible.
Aha ha ha ~ the pitfalls of a newbie! That's too funny. ThX Ati! I now remember playing with all that eye stuff.