External HD Drive Permissions change between 2 PC set ups

I have two PCs, one with my DAZ set up and another I use for post work and other things. I have my runtimes on an external WD Elements Hard disk drive.
Recently I have been getting denied access to my external drive when I swap it to the second PC. This means having to change ownership of the drive and re-scanning the folder to change file/folder permissions. A real pain.
I've tried every suggestion I can find on the internet, but nothing stops the problem recurring. I have tried changing ownership of the drive to "Everyone" and every other combination I can think of, but once the drive is swapped again access is denied. This never used to happen.
Both PCs are Windows 10.
Any ideas how to overcome this, or am I stuck re-applying permissions everytime?
Have you set a fixed drive letter for the drive in both computers?
Yes, I have it mapped as G: