Weighting Issue with Ansikos Jasmine Pants

Love this whole outfit, but the pants have a Weight Issue, The inside legs love to stick together. Sometimes it resolves itself, other times its real bad. Anyway we can let Ansiko know this so it can get patched, or a way to fix it? Shame, I really love these pants when they work.
You should raise a ticket.
How do I do that? First time for me.
Edit: Never mind, figured it out. Hope it can get fixed.
Since the style of pants are sort of harem pants, they should've tailor-made a projection template with Transfer Utility, or transferred with a bit skinny one then sculpt a harem one to update the base geometry, or at least directly fix cbs of thigh bends...
And whats worse is they worked PERFECTLY last night, and this morning then just stopped!

Evidence I'm not crazy:
If simulated with timeline or from memorized pose, it would work?
Both. Now, just followed a friends advice. Deleted the Temp Files, Reinstalled the Outfit, and it's working again.
So I'm HOPING it's just a glitch. Would hate to have to do that every few times I use it...
Actually you just need to first Alt Shift + W, then check the weight maps on the sub-nodes of Left/Right Thigh Twist and Left/Right Shin of the pants, if there're some "red" weight around the inner thighs and shins, that'll be the culprit. Such an issue is commonly seen on quite a few similar "dForce pants" of loose and wide trousers legs...
If this is in a simulation it has nothing to do with weights, it is a matter of the cloth mesh snagging on itself. Improved collision settings (Simulation Settings pane) may help.